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Using minted for Syntax Highlighting


minted is a package that enable to add syntax highlight by using Pygments library.


Pygments is written in Python and can be installed by pip

pip install Pygments

Package minted is already installed if you use texlive.


At the preamble add some commands as follows.


\definecolor{code-bg}{rgb}{0.95, 0.95, 0.95}

You can then use syntax highlighting in your document as follows.

\begin{minted}[breaklines, linenos, frame=lines, bgcolor=code-bg]{c}
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
printf("Hello, World!");

Otherwise, you can use \inputminted to include source files.

\inputminted[breaklines, linenos, frame=lines, bgcolor=code-bg]{python}{src/}

There are several options for configuring the code visuals.

breaklinesInsert break when source code exceeds page width.
linenosAdd line numbers.
frame=linesAdd frame (line, single, ...).
bgcolor=code-bgAdd background color.